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Ulster University is both legally obliged and committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of those who are under 18 years of age, or who are adults at risk, within its community. These obligations extend to all who participate in our activities, services or facilities, whether they are staff, students or visitors.

Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone within the University community, for example: staff, students, volunteers, members of the extended workforce such as student workers, freelancers, contractors and external organisations working for, or on behalf, of the University.  Therefore, everyone should be vigilant and alert to possible incidents and report these in accordance with the University's Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk of Harm Policy and Procedure.

Vulnerable individuals may be present on the University premises or under the supervision or direction of University staff in a wide number of circumstances including for example:

  • Adults at risk of harm
  • University students under the age of eighteen
  • Those attending open days as potential student applicants under the age of 18
  • Children brought on site by parents
  • Those attending summer schools or using sports facilities
  • Work experience placements or temporary employees
  • Those staying temporarily in University managed accommodation over the holiday period
  • Attending interviews for admission to the University
  • Those contributing to teaching
  • Participants of academic research
  • As visitors for any other reason
  • Students who are parents of children under the age of 18

Report a concern

To report a concern, please complete our Safeguarding Incident Form.

Supporting documents

Process for dealing with disclosures


Access NI (ANI)

Information for Applicants to Ulster